Threaded pipes is a simple way to secure your pipe assemblies and rod connections for the long haul. Consistent and accurate threading work is essential for the whole pipe assembly to retain its structural integrity. The simplest technique of threading pipes and rods actually plays a vital role in the useful life and maintenance costs of your structure.
Prefabricated Threaded Pipes for Large-Scale Projects
Despite the seeming simplicity, preparing pipes and rods require a lot of time and consistency. Working on a single pipe is usually a simple procedure which can be done with a handheld pipe threader on the site. Threading hundreds of pipes with the same level of precision and quality is another matter. This job often takes several manhours to fulfill and stretches the timeline of most electrical projects.
The United States Electrical Services Inc. (USESI) helps electrical businesses cut time and financial costs by prefabricating threaded pipes and rods. Prefabrication speeds up your project turn-around while maintaining strict quality control.
USESI’s cutting-edge threading machinery can handle mass processing of pipes with diameters ranging from ½ inch to 6 inches. The facility is also fully-rigged to handle pipes made with the most trusted materials, including:
- PVC Coated GRC
- Schedule 40 Black Pipe
- Aluminum Rigid Conduit
- Galvanized Rigid Conduit
- Intermediate Metallic Conduit
Prefabricated Threaded Rods for Reliable Connections
Threadings in steel rods generally work on the same principles for threaded pipes, but with much higher tension requirements. After all, rods primarily function to secure joineries for your structures and machinery.
Rods are nifty items that serve multiple uses in the fabrication and construction floor. The challenge is that stock rods are usually only sized at 6, 10, or 12. The most cost-effective way to add flexibility to your rod sizes is prefabricating customized ones. USESI’s prefabrication tools can customize rods for specific nuts and bolts to ensure that your joineries are secured and safe for the long haul.
Your Other Prefabrication Needs
Pipes and rods are not the only common tools electricians need to customize for site projects. Cables, whips, and struts also need considerable time to prepare. USESI offers other prefabrication processes like the ones below to make sure that all component preparation goes as smoothly as possible:
- Pipe Bending
- Cable solutions
- Whips prefabrication
- Cutting and assembly
Save Time and Money with Customized Pipe Cutting and Threading
Custom threading is a time-consuming but necessary part of an electrical project. Prefabrication facilities help you get faster results when it comes to threading electrical components in large quantities. USESI’s prefabrication facilities provide access to state-of-the-art threading tools that might not be cost-effective to acquire as your own asset.
Prefabricated threaded pipes and rods for your electrical projects saves your team manhours of service, minimizes scraps, and maintains high-quality standards. It’s a winning solution that decreases your unnecessary costs without sacrificing the quality of your output.